Op zoek naar contactgegevens? Vind ze gemakkelijk en snel via Telefoonboek. Enjoy the vast offer of Steam, Origin, Uplay, Battle. GOG, PSN and XBOX CD-Keys at the most attractive prices on the market.

Don’t overpay – buy cheap on G2A. Sounds like you just have shitty customers. I have been selling for a year, and havent had any chargebacks related to games. COM - Best deals for gamers and geeks.
COM Limited (commonly referred to as G2A ). They also claim that as basically G2A acts as an intermediary for individuals selling their keys,. Sites like G2A are very useful in order to find great deals on video games and to save a ton of money. Pay and accept payments with G2A PAY - an online payment gateway that provides access to local payment methods, credit cards, PayPal and debit cards. G2A Loot Points (LP) are the main currency on G2A Loot. You can open cases by spending your Loot Points.

I have noticed they have recently stopped selling. Marketplace G2A PAY G2A Plus. Get great deals on games wherever you go! At this point they began selling their profits to friends looking to buy runescape.
When you use G2A Pay services provided by. Buy World Of Warcraft (WOW) EU gold from reputable WOW Gold sellers via G2G. Where gamers buy, sell, and trade games, pc components, electronics, merchandise, collectibles, and more!
Full disclosure, I’ve purchased keys from G2A before. Personally, I think selling the review code copy of a game is underhanded and unethical. Nowadays G2a is offering G2A cashback code or coupon code Here we have all 1 working g2a discount code for you Also G2A tricks.
For their selling partners,. G2A , the online games reselling website, says that just of games sold on their platform come from indie titles, while the other come from the. If anything this should give you an idea on the reach that G2A has, instead of your partners selling here you could do that directly. G2A has developed a reputation somewhat of being a grey market key seller with lots of accusations that keys sold on the platform by sellers are often.
The money you receive is. You will find guides, methods and tips to earn money online in no time. Right now on G2A there are users who have hundreds or thousands of negative feedbacks for selling broken keys (ie most likely stolen). Many of them have now signed a petition to remove indie games from the platform as it hurts revenues. G2A is facing backlash from developers.
I can get around with photoshop but what do they only accept to buy from official stores? G2A recently tried to hold an AMA. Notorious Game Key Reseller G2A Gets Torn To Shreds In AMA. G2A Gift Card (Global) is the most convenient way to top up your G2A Wallet balance!
Why not guarantee legitimacy and just bundle the dollar or so right into the selling price? G2A will happily sell me a key,. EUR or less with no G2A Shield subscription.
Indie devs start petition asking G2A to stop selling keys for their games. Find the latest G2A Cashback Codes,. In response to a petition pushing G2A to stop selling independent games through its site,. COM is mainly an innovative platform that offers comfortable and swift access to wide range of products such as software activation licenses for Steam, Origin.
Is this a legit site that sells games? From my understanding, they sell the keys. I saw a pre-order for MadMax for only $and was skeptical and.
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