Op zoek naar contactgegevens? Vind ze gemakkelijk en snel via Telefoonboek. Person 1: IMO , the sky is blue. This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of IMO is.
Online Slang Dictionary.
A list of slang words and. This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of IMO is. Unlike other acronyms adopted by people, IMO has one popular meaning. It only means in my opinion. It is not uncommon for acronyms to have two or more meanings.
What does IMO stand for? Het IMO -nummer is een scheepsidentificatienummer dat bestaat uit de drie letters IMO (voor International Maritime Organization) gevolgd door een zevencijferig getal. The International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) number is a unique reference for ships, registered ship owners and management companies.
Looking for the definition of IMO ? Find out what is the full meaning of IMO on Abbreviations. Imo (ˈiːməʊ) n (Placename) a state of SE Nigeria. IMO is defined by the lexicographers at Oxford Dictionaries as International Maritime Organization. Imo is een Nigeriaanse staat.
De hoofdstad is Owerri, de staat heeft 4. When transporting goods classified by the UN as hazardous (in accordance with the IMDG code), the shipping company imposes a IMO surcharge on the sea freight. Information about hazardous cargoes carriage. IMO held an emergency session of its Council to deal with the need to readdress regulations pertaining to maritime pollution. The acronym IMO stands for, “In My Opinion”.
According to Slang Internet, you can use the abbreviation to mean that whatever you are saying. Imo definition at Dictionary. A well-written code of conduct reduces compliance and market conduct risk by alerting producers to general IMO compliance policies and procedures during the hiring.
Assembly station has the same meaning as Muster station. Advisor The standard IMO designs may be used without text. Overview of emission and fuel requirements for marine engines under the IMO MARPOL Annex VI convention.
Home Page Customer Services Dangerous Cargo , IMO Codes and Symbols.

Text Messaging IMO acronym meaning defined here. Are you searching the meaning of IMHO ? You will find the in this article with a clear definition of the internet slang term and. Initialism of information management officer. Learn the meaning of popular Internet acronyms and slang terms, such as LMAO, ROF, BRB, and more! Dit is een doorverwijspagina, bedoeld om de verschillen in betekenis of gebruik van IMO inzichtelijk te maken.
Op deze pagina staat een uitleg van de verschillende. All Acronyms has a list of 2IMO definitions. IMA Abbreviation for: inferior meatal antrostomy inferior mesenteric artery internal mammary artery, see there Indian. International Maritime Organization or IMO is an international governing body of the maritime industry.
Meaning , pronunciation, translations and. In My Opinion An internet phrase used to safeguard statements from insecure people who will find any way possible to personally attack you while drawing. AcronymAttic has 1unverified meanings for IMO. IMO abbreviations and acronyms on.
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